Natural Diamond

What is Diamond

Diamond is a crystalline form of Carbon. Its rarity makes it extremely valuable and precious. The combination of the 4Cs – Cut, Clarity, Carat and Colour, determines the value of a particular diamond. Diamond as most people know is exquisite and expensive, but few actually understand what it is and how it is form. The following explores where diamond comes from and how it is created.

Carbon is one the most abundant elements that we can find on earth; it is so abundant that human beings contain 18% of it. Diamonds are more than 99.95% pure carbon. The other 0.05% is what the industry calls inclusion – other elements which are mixed with the carbon when a diamond is formed. A 100% pure carbon diamond is completely transparent and nearly impossible to find. As precious as diamonds are, they are merely just carbon bonds and most of their costs goes into finding, making and refining them.

The Shape of Natural Diamond

A diamond’s weight is measured in carats. One Carat is divided into 100 points, so that a diamond of 0.50 carat is described as a diamond of 50 points. Larger diamonds are rarely found and are therefore considered to be more valuable. While carat is the easiest of the 4Cs to determine, it does not determine the total
value of a diamond. Two diamonds of equal carat weight can have very different values depending on their cut, clarity and color. While selecting a diamond, simply look for the size of diamond that suits you best.

While nature determines a diamond’s carat weight, clarity and color, the hand of a master cutter can reveal its true brilliance, fire and ultimate beauty. A well cut diamond, regardless of its shape, offers the greatest brilliance and will scintillate with its fiery lights. That’s because when a diamond is cut to good
proportions, light is internally reflected from one mirror-like facet to another and then dispersed through the top of the stone. This results in a breathtaking display of its natural brilliance and character. Diamonds cut to good proportions are more brilliant and therefore more valuable.

While most diamonds appear white, the color of a diamond is classified in a range from Exceptional White to White, and graded from D right through the whole alphabet. While Exceptional White diamonds are very rare and valuable, the most common are White and Tint White. It is only with diamonds graded from M-Z that the tint becomes recognizable.

According to GIA diamond colour grading, there are 23 levels of color grading. D to F is classified as colorless, G to L as nearly colorless and M to Z as tinted.

Every diamond is unique. Almost all diamonds contain natural birthmarks in the form of minute traces of other minerals or non-crystallised carbon – the element from which they were born. These are referred to as internal characteristics. The number, color, type and size of these internal characteristics determine the clarity of a diamond and make each diamond unique.

How to care for your Diamond


Don’t wear it when you’re doing rough work. Even though a diamond is durable, it can be chipped by a hard blow.


Don’t let your diamond come in contact with a chlorine bleach when you’re doing household chores. It can damage and discolor the mounting.


Visit your jeweler at least once a year to check your ring and other precious pieces for loose prongs and wear of mountings.


Keep your precious pieces in a fabric-lined jewel case, or a box with compartments or dividers when you’re not wearing them.


Don’t jumble your diamond pieces in a drawer or jewelry case, because diamonds can scratch other jewelry and can even scratch each other.

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